姜添辉,1963生,台湾台南人。兼任联合国教科文组织国际社会学学会教育社会学分会副会长(RC04, ISA, UNESCO)、以及联合国教科文组织世界比教育学会宪章常务委员(WCCES, UNESCO)。曾任教于小学,于1996年在英国Cardiff University取得哲学博士(Ph.D.),专长为教育社会学、全球化与教育政策、教师专业、课程知识社会学、文化研究、比较教育等。已发表论文130多篇,主持台湾体育365真正官网主管部门专题研究计划18项,曾获得台湾教育主管部门第2届、第5届顶尖人才奖、美国国务院Fulbright资深访问学人、以及希腊University of Crete国际杰出教授等荣耀。姜教授活跃于国际学术舞台,为International Journal of Educational Research (SSCI) 的副总编。担任IAFOR、ELLTA、SGEM等国际会议的国际咨询委员,并在美国、英国、瑞典、希腊、塞浦路斯、日本、新加坡、印度、南非、UNESCO等地区讲学或大会专题演讲。
1. 1991年9月至1992年7月,在英国University of Nottingham教育体育365真正官网,获学士学位;
2. 1992年9月至1993年7月,在英国University of Nottingham教育体育365真正官网,获文学硕士学位;
3. 1993年9月至1996年7月,在英国Cardiff University社会科体育365真正官网,获哲学博士学位。
1. 北京师范大学985教授(2013-2015)
2. 郑州大学特聘教授(2016-2021)
3. 安徽师范大学特聘教授(2021~至今)
(一) Journal article
1. 姜添辉(2016)。从考试制度的制度化脉络与名师的创新策略之关联性检视二重性的缺失。湖南师范大学教育科学学报,15(6), 5-12。(CSSCI)
2. 姜添辉(2017)。社会阶级与文化再生产---不同社会阶级家长的社会资本对文化再生产之结构化影响以及其因应之道。教育学术月刊,294(1),16-24。(中文核心期刊)
3. Peters, Michael and Chiang Tien-Hui (2017). America Closed, China Open. Educational Theory and Philosophy, 49(9): 843-847 (SSCI).
DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2017.1288347
4. 姜添辉(2017)。制度化酬赏机制与新学术主义。清华大学教育研究,38(2), 57-65。(CSSCI)
DOI: 10.14138/j.1001-4519.2017.02.005709
DOI: 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2017.05.001
7. 姜添辉(2018)。教师专业理论的转变与新专业主义的诞生:制度化全球化的情境。清华大学教育研究,39(4), 49-55。(CSSCI)
DOI: 10.14138 /j.1001-4519.2018.04.004907
8. 姜添辉(2018)。全球化时代教师专业发展的元素与实践。国家教育行政体育365真正官网学报,10(250), 59-65。(CSSCI)
9. Chiang, T.H. (2018). Paradigms of education research. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50(14), 1533–1534. (SSCI)
DOI of the article: 10.1080/00131857.2018.1462462
10. 姜添辉(2018)。文化资本主义在文化保存及校本课程的作用。南京师大学报(社会科学版),6(220),23-30。(CSSCI)
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-4608.2018.06.003
11. 姜添辉(2018)。文化再生产模式与文化流动模式的争辩:惯习在不公平教育结果的角色。当代教育与文化,10(6),1-10。(中文核心期刊)
12. Tien-Hui Chiang & Qian Zhou (2019) Can cultural localization protect national identity in the era of globalization?, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 51:6, 541-545. (SSCI)
13. 姜添辉(2019)。马克思的社会阶级论对教育公平研究的影响,陕西师范大学教育学报(哲学社会科学版),48(2): 102-111。(中国人民大学教育数据中心,教育学,2019,7期,全文转载)(CSSCI)
14. Chiang, Tien-Hui (2019). How do underachieving working class students survive in the classroom? Critiques on the perspective of resistance. International Journal of Educational Research, 96: 32-40. (SSCI)
15. 姜添辉(2019)。学术性课程知识结构的社会关系与文化再生产之关联性:再脉络化的机。全球教育展望,48(7): 32-45. (CSSCI)
16. 姜添辉(2019)。评论同类型主义:新自由主义构成的制度化脉络以及教师专业实践坐标。广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),55(4): 66-74。
17. Chiang, Tien-Hui (2019). Teacher Education, Creativity and Credentialism in Chinese Society in the Epoch of Globalization. Beijing International Review of Education, 1, 250-253.
18. Chiang, Tien-Hui, Thurston, Allen and Lin, Hsin-Chi (2020). How the excellent working-class student becomes a cultural capital constructor: Reflections on the theories of cultural reproduction. International Journal of Educational Research, 101, (103625) (SSCI)
19. Chiang, Tien-Hui (2020). Steering at a distance: The issue of lifelong learning at the age of neoliberal governance. Academia, 18, 41-57. ISSN: 2241-1402
20. 姜添辉(2020). 新自由主义治理性视角下的全球化教育改革运动。教育学报,92(2), 3-13。(CSSCI)
DOI: 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2020.02.001
21. Chiang, Tien-Hui, Thurston, Allen, and Lee, John Chi-Kin Lee (2020). The birth of neoprofessionalism in the context of neoliberal governmentality: The case of productive university teachers. International Journal of Educational Research, 103 (101582), 1-10. (SSCI)
22. 姜添辉(2020). 新自由主义与教育。教育学报,93(3), 3。(CSSCI)
23. Thurston, A., Roseth, C., Chiang, T-H., Burns, V. & Topping, K. (2020). The influence of social relationships on outcomes in mathematics when using peer tutoring in elementary schools. International Journal of Educational Research Open, p. 1-8.
24. Chiang, Tien-Hui, Thurston, Allen, Zhao Jiangtao, Haoc, Yanli, Ma, Jing and Dong, Yonggui (2020). The practice of weak framing from teachers’ perceptions in China. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 41(8), 1180-1199. (SSCI)
25. 姜添辉(2020)。生物政治学视角下的教师表现力:一个全球性议题。华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)(特稿)第10 期,1-20。(CSSCI)
26. Thurston, A., Cockerill, M., Chiang, T-H., Taylor, A. & O'Keeffe, J. (2020). An efficacy randomized controlled trial of Reciprocal Reading in secondary schools. International Journal of Educational Research, 104(101626), 1-12. (SSCI)
27. Chiang, Tien-Hui & Trezise, Damien (2021). How teacher competence functions as an institutionalised discourse in the epoch of globalisation, Cambridge Journal of Education, 51(1), 105-125. (SSCI)
DOI: 10.1080/0305764X.2020.1782352
28. Thurston, A., Cockerill, M and Chiang, T.H. (2021). Assessing the Differential Effects of Peer Tutoring for Tutors and Tutees. Education Sciences, 11, 97.
29. Chiang, Tien-Hui, Zhang, Pingping, Dong, Yonggui, Thurston, Allen, Cui, Laiting and Liu, Jun-ren (2021). How is regulative discourse recontextualized into instructional discourse in Basil Bernstein’s code theory? A study of the interplay between recognition and realization rules based on primary school teachers’ perceptions. International Journal of Educational Research, 108(101765), 1-13. (SSCI)
30. Chiang, Tien-Hui (2021). What Freirean critical pedagogy says and overlooks from a Durkheimian perspective. Social Inclusion, 9(4), 1-11. (SSCI)
31. Cockerill, M., Thurston, A., Taylor, A., O’Keeffe, J. and Chiang, T.H. (2021). A Phase 2 Exploratory Trial of a Vocabulary Intervention in High Poverty Elementary Education Settings. Social Inclusion, 9(4), 12-25. (SSCI)
32. Chiang, Tien-Hui and Thurston, Allen (2022). Designing enhanced pedagogy based on Basil Bernstein’s code theory. International Journal of Educational Research, 111(101914). (SSCI)
33. Drakaki, M. Stylianos Ioannis Tzagkarakis, S.I., Papadakis, N., Basta, M. and Chiang, T.H. (2022). Inequalities, Vulnerability and Precarity among Youth in Greece: The Case of NEETs. Urbanities, 12, 114-130.
34. Chiang, Tien-Hui, Toh, Chai-Wei, Zhang, Rongxin, Thurston, Allen and MacKenzie, Alison (2022). The embeddedness of visionary agency within the economic-cultural-capital formation: A case of Sino-Malaysian high school graduates. International Journal of Educational Research (112), 101946. (SSCI)
35. Chiang, Tien-Hui, Thurston, Allen and Cockerill, Maria (2022). Examining Basil Bernstein’s rules of recognition and realization in the case of underachieving students in math tests. International Journal of Educational Research, 115 (102021). (SSCI)
36. MacKenzie, Alison, Chiang, Tien-Hui, and Thurston, Allen (2022). New insights on the persistence and reproduction of educational inequality and injustice: Towards a synthesis of Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach and Bourdieu’s theories. International Journal of Educational Research, 115, 102032. (SSCI)
(二) Book chapter
1. Chiang, T.H. and Trezise, D. (2017). Practicing Duality in Cultural Capital Constructors, China. In M. Peters (ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory (P section, pp. 1-7), Singapore: Springer.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-287-532-7_626-1
2. Jin, P.P., Chiang, T.H., Dong, Y.G., Cui, L.T., Wang, Z.X., Zhao, J.T., Liu, Y., Wang, Q.H., Tang, B. and Liu, J.R. (2018). Influence of Credentialism on Education in China. In M. Peters (eds) Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer, Singapore.
3. Zhao, J.T., Chiang, T.H., Cui, L.T., Jin, P.P., Wang, Q.H. and Liu, Y. (2018). Theories and Changes of Teachers’ Role in China from a Perspective of Sociology. In M. Peters (eds) Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer, Singapore.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-287-532-7_619-1
4. Chiang, T.H. and Zhou, Q. (2018). How Social Capital Exercises within the Social Context: The Case of Chinese school maters. In P. Calogiannakis, Chiang, T.H., J. Spiridakis and TH. Babalis (eds.), Interculturalism in the 21st Century: Prospects and Challenges (pp. 437-453). NICOSIA: Studies and Publishing.
5. Chiang, T.H. (2018). How Primary School Teachers in Taiwan Acquire a Professional Status: A Historical Analysis. In K.G. Karras and C.C. Wolhuter (eds.), The International Handbook of Teacher Education Worldwide (2nd ed.) (vol. 3) (pp. 430-441). NICOSIA: Studies and Publishing.
6. Chiang, T.H. and Trezise, D. (2019). Paradigm Shifts in Theories of Teacher Professionalism. In M. Peters (ed.), Encyclopedia of Teacher Education (P Section: p. 1-7), Singapore: Springer.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1179-6
7. Peters, M. and Chiang, T.H. (2020). America closed, China open In M. Peters (ed.), The Chinese dream: Educating the future (pp. 37-44). New York, N.Y.: Routledge.
8. Chiang, T.H. (2020). Is Cultural Localization Education Necessary in Epoch of Globalization? An Analysis of the Nature of State Sovereignty. In Guo-rui Fan and Thomas S. Popkewitz (eds.), Handbook of Education Policy Studies: Values, governance, globalization and methodology (vol. 1) (pp. 329-341). Singapore: Springer Open. ISBN 978-981-13-8346-5
9. Meng, F.H., Tian, X.M., Chiang, T.H. and Cai, Y. (2021). The State Role in Excellent University Policies in the Era of Globalization: The Case of China. In Rider, S.P., Peters, M.A., Hyv?nen, M., Besley, T. (Eds.), World Class Universities: A Contested Concept (pp. 197-217). Springer.
10. Thurston, A., Cockerill, M and Chiang, T.H. (2022). Assessing the Differential Effects of Peer Tutoring for Tutors and Tutees. In R.M. Gillies (ed.), Cooperative/ Collaborative Learning (pp. 91-102). Tokyo: MDPI.
11. Chiang, T.H., Papadakis, N. and Drakaki, M. (2022). Changes in human capital discourse from expansion to employability: The case of higher education institutes in China. W.O. Lee, P. Brown, A.L. Goodwin and A. Green (eds.), International handbook on education development in Asia-Pacific (pp. 1-18). Singapore: Springer.
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